Friedrich Roelker, 1809

Friedrich /Roelker/
Given names
Shared note

Cincinnati, Queen City:
Friedrich Roelker was born in Osnabruck in 1809, graduated at the
College Karolinum in Osnabruck and then studied at Munster. Having
taught for some time in Osnabruck he came to America in 1835, spending
two years in New York in teaching. He came to Cincinnati in 1837,
teaching English for two years, and then became principal of the
Catholic Dreifaltigkeits-Schule. At the end of a year he began to
study medicine at the Ohio Medical college, and after graduation
he began to practice medicine in this city. In 1843 ne was elected
a member of the school board. Later he became chairman of the committee
on instruction in German and he accomplished much for the German-English
schools, to the great delight of the Germans. He proposed and took
a large part in the founding of the Deutsche Lese-und-Bildgungsverein,
which had for its ideal the preservation of the German language.
To him as much as to any one was due the introduction and success
of the teaching of German in the public schools.